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A list of all pages that have property "Source" with value "http://filavaria.punt.nl/content/2010/01/het-mondaneum". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • File:Coops Willemien.jpg  + (Theater Adhoc, The humor and tragedy of completeness, 2005, (p. 3))
  • File:Jean Otlet Jr (2).jpg  + (Theater Adhoc, The humor and tragedy of completeness, 2005, (p. 5))
  • File:Screenshot - 25.12.2015.png  + (https://archive.org/stream/internationalorg00otle#page/220/mode/2up)
  • File:Le corbusier pyramide spiral.png  + (Wouter Van Acker, 'Opening the Shrine of t
    Wouter Van Acker, 'Opening the Shrine of the Mundaneum The Positivist Spirit in the Architecture of Le Corbusier and his Belgian “Idolators,”' in Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand: 30, Open, edited by Alexandra Brown and Andrew Leach (Gold Coast,Qld: SAHANZ, 2013), vol. 2, p. 804.
    Coast,Qld: SAHANZ, 2013), vol. 2, p. 804.)
  • File:Le corbusier pyramide circle.png  + (Wouter Van Acker, 'Opening the Shrine of t
    Wouter Van Acker, 'Opening the Shrine of the Mundaneum The Positivist Spirit in the Architecture of Le Corbusier and his Belgian “Idolators,”' in Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand: 30, Open, edited by Alexandra Brown and Andrew Leach (Gold Coast,Qld: SAHANZ, 2013), vol. 2, p. 804.
    Coast,Qld: SAHANZ, 2013), vol. 2, p. 804.)
  • File:Le corbusier pyramide perspective.png  + (Wouter Van Acker, 'Opening the Shrine of t
    Wouter Van Acker, 'Opening the Shrine of the Mundaneum The Positivist Spirit in the Architecture of Le Corbusier and his Belgian “Idolators,”' in Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand: 30, Open, edited by Alexandra Brown and Andrew Leach (Gold Coast,Qld: SAHANZ, 2013), vol. 2, p. 803.
    Coast,Qld: SAHANZ, 2013), vol. 2, p. 803.)
  • File:61.2.van-acker01 fig01f.jpg  + (Wouter Van Acker, 'Opening the Shrine of t
    Wouter Van Acker, 'Opening the Shrine of the Mundaneum The Positivist Spirit in the Architecture of Le Corbusier and his Belgian “Idolators,”' in Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand: 30, Open, edited by Alexandra Brown and Andrew Leach (Gold Coast,Qld: SAHANZ, 2013), vol. 2, p. 792.
    Coast,Qld: SAHANZ, 2013), vol. 2, p. 792.)
  • File:61.2.van-acker01 fig07f.jpg  + (Wouter Van Acker. "Architectural Metaphors of Knowledge: The Mundaneum Designs of Maurice Heymans, Paul Otlet, and Le Corbusier." Library Trends 61, no. 2 (2012): 371-396. http://muse.jhu.edu/)
  • File:10-tuttaneum.png  + (Wouter Van Acker. "Architectural Metaphors of Knowledge: The Mundaneum Designs of Maurice Heymans, Paul Otlet, and Le Corbusier." Library Trends 61, no. 2 (2012): 371-396. http://muse.jhu.edu/)
  • File:61.2.van-acker01 fig06f.jpg  + (Wouter Van Acker. "Architectural Metaphors of Knowledge: The Mundaneum Designs of Maurice Heymans, Paul Otlet, and Le Corbusier." Library Trends 61, no. 2 (2012): 371-396.)
  • File:61.2.van-acker01 fig05f.jpg  + (Wouter Van Acker. "Architectural Metaphors of Knowledge: The Mundaneum Designs of Maurice Heymans, Paul Otlet, and Le Corbusier." Library Trends 61, no. 2 (2012): 371-396.)
  • File:Table2.jpg  + (http://brich59.canalblog.com/archives/2011/02/08/20333341.html)
  • File:Mess 1.jpg  + (http://brich59.canalblog.com/archives/2011/02/08/20333341.html)
  • File:Mess 2.jpg  + (http://brich59.canalblog.com/archives/2011/02/08/20333341.html)
  • File:Mess 3.jpg  + (http://brich59.canalblog.com/archives/2011/02/08/20333341.html)
  • File:Paul Otlet et son équipe en excursion à Anvers.jpg  + (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Paul_Otlet?uselang=fr#/media/File:Paul_Otlet_et_son_%C3%A9quipe_en_excursion_%C3%A0_Anvers.jpg)
  • File:Cato.jpg  + (http://www.denhaagcentraal.net/aveqcmsResources/uploadedFiles/denhaagcentraal/130725100130-fae2b017a01d4f73b5eab68b475ca8f4;51f0f77231416.pdf)
  • File:Deuxième Congrès Panafricain, au Palais Mondial, à Bruxelles en septembre 1921 01.jpg  + (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Paul_Otlet?uselang=fr)
  • File:Paul Otlet et des amis a Honfleur.jpg  + (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Paul_Otlet?uselang=fr)
  • File:Manuel du Répertoire Bibliographique Universel.jpg  + (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Paul_Otlet?uselang=fr)
  • File:Palais Mondial. Paul Otlet dans la salle de la Direction. 1927.jpg  + (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Paul_Otlet?uselang=fr)
  • File:Conférence en plein air de Paul Otlet.jpg  + (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Paul_Otlet?uselang=fr)
  • File:Le Répertoire Bibliographique Universel vers 1900.jpg  + (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Le_R%C3%A9pertoire_Bibliographique_Universel_vers_1900.jpg)
  • File:Paul Otlet, bébé, dans les bras de sa mère Marie Van Mons.jpg  + (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paul_Otlet,_b%C3%A9b%C3%A9,_dans_les_bras_de_sa_m%C3%A8re_Marie_Van_Mons.jpg)
  • File:Marie Louise Philips.jpg  + (http://digitalarchives.mundaneum.org/culturalinstitute/asset-viewer/marie-louise-philips/AQFVGy_VWTi9tw?exhibitId=QQ8AfJxE&hl=en-GB)
  • File:Unid.jpg  + (http://filavaria.punt.nl/content/2010/01/het-mondaneum)