
File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
16:35, 5 July 2016 Andrew-norman-wilson-scanops-wealth-of-nations-4.jpeg (file) 192 KB   3
23:31, 3 March 2016 All systemantwerp.jpg (file) 38 KB   2
12:36, 27 February 2016 IMG 20160226 140024.jpg (file) 5.43 MB date::2016 place::WTC, Bruxelles [[Caption::"Alimentation. — La base de notre alimentation repose en principe sur un trépied. 1° Protides (viandes, azotes). 2° Glycides (légumineux, hydrates de carbone). 3° Lipides (graisses). Mais il... 1
12:29, 27 February 2016 IMG 20160226 135229.jpg (file) 1.32 MB date::2016 place::WTC, Bruxelles Caption::Mondotheque visits the Canteen of the World Trade Center in Bruxelles, 26 February 2016 Person::André Castro Person::Femke Snelting Person::Dennis Pohl Person::Alexia de Visscher 1
22:40, 28 January 2016 Otlet hipster.png (file) 243 KB   1
19:34, 20 December 2015 I love google groningen.jpeg (file) 49 KB   1
19:31, 20 December 2015 DSC04477low.jpg (file) 1.72 MB   2
19:31, 20 December 2015 DSC04487lowjpg.jpeg (file) 2.12 MB   2
19:27, 20 December 2015 DSC04485lowjpg.jpeg (file) 1.65 MB   2
23:02, 30 November 2015 20150804 012420 google.jpg (file) 86 KB [[Caption::Boulder Mayor Matt Appelbaum reaches for a shovel off of a robot built by Monarch High School's Team Shazbots robotic team, while, from left, John Tayer, of the Boulder Chamber; Collin Kemberlin, of Tryba Architecture; Liz Hanson, of the cit... 1
23:00, 30 November 2015 GoogleGroundbreakWEB t670.jpg (file) 64 KB [[Caption::Groundbreaking ceremonies at Google in The Dalles Thursday, Sept. 26, featured a long list of dignitaries, including, left to right, Bill Dick, The Dalles City Council; Carolyn Wood, The Dalles City Council, Steve Kramer, Wasco County Commis... 1
22:21, 30 November 2015 GoogleHongKongDataCenter.jpg (file) 60 KB Caption:: Google representatives and government officials present the project of a Google Datacenter in Hong Kong City::Hong Kong Is similar to::File:2810332846.jpg Category:Collaboration 1
22:17, 30 November 2015 20120403-0959s.jpg (file) 1.08 MB [[Caption:: Taiwan Economics Minister Yen-Hsiang Shih, President of Google APAC Daniel Alegre, Google Taiwan managing director Lee-Feng Chien and Changhua county magistrate Bo-Yuan Jhuo at the Google data center opening ceremony in Changhua on April 3,... 1
10:52, 27 November 2015 Big 12063813.jpg (file) 90 KB Jyri Häkämies (Minister of Economic Affairs), Ari Kurvi (Operations Manager) and Hannu Muhonen (Mayor of Hamina) inaugurate Google datacenter in Hamina, Finland. Is similar to::File:Google-belgium-primeminister-di-rupo.jpg 1
10:48, 27 November 2015 2810332846.jpg (file) 80 KB Siem Jansen (director of the Development Agency of Noord-Nederlands), Harm Post (Director of Groningen Seaports), Marijke Van Beek (Major of Eemsmond), Bryan Evans (head of datacenter Design and Construction of Google), Francois Sterin (director of Glo... 1
10:31, 27 November 2015 Vero google4 uu.jpg (file) 129 KB President of Finland Sauli Niinistö announces the second-phase investment of Google into the Hamina datacenter. Is similar to::File:Google-belgium-primeminister-di-rupo.jpg 1
11:41, 11 November 2015 KI8A5227-1000x667.jpg (file) 180 KB Vicepremier en minister van Digitale Agenda Alexander De Croo 1
13:32, 2 November 2015 Books.jpeg (file) 83 KB   3
13:29, 2 November 2015 210MAG042 The Inland printer edit-164 580.jpg (file) 98 KB Person::Unidentified Woman 1
13:26, 2 November 2015 Double Irish with a Dutch Sandwich.svg (file) 83 KB Globalization vs Internationalism 1
13:25, 2 November 2015 Laboratorium mundaneum.jpg (file) 118 KB   1
10:18, 2 November 2015 Google in paper.jpg (file) 160 KB Google of paper? 1
02:53, 2 November 2015 IMG 20151031 234306.jpg (file) 1.97 MB   1
02:44, 2 November 2015 Monde2.jpg (file) 236 KB   2
22:20, 1 November 2015 Monde1.jpg (file) 234 KB Page 21 of Otlet's Monde, where he defines the general equation for science. 1
12:31, 18 September 2015 Total Pyramide.jpeg (file) 4.82 MB   1