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Results 51 – 100    (Previous 50 | Next 50)   (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)   (JSON | CSV | RSS | RDF)
KI8A5227-1000x667.jpgAlexander De Croo
Elio Di Rupo
Vicepremier en minister van Digitale Agenda Alexander De Croo plugs some ethernet cables in Saint Ghislain.
Krishnamurti.jpgJiddu Krishnamurti
Paul Otlet
Jean Delville
Otlet and Delville meet Krishnamurti in Ommen, the Netherlands, on the occasion of a meeting of the "Order of the Star," a theosophist splinter group established by Annie Besant
Le Répertoire Bibliographique Universel vers 1900.jpgUnidentified Woman
Louis Masure
Marie Louise Philips.jpgMarie-Louise PhilipsMarie-Louise Philips, Henri Lafontaine's mother
Middleages.pngPaul Otlet
Mondial1.jpgPaul Otlet
Mathilde La Fontaine
Henri La Fontaine
Paul Otlet with Henri and Mathilde Lafontaine in front of Palais Mondial
Mondo DSCN1051.JPGElio Di Rupo
Rudy Demotte
Elio di Rupo, Rudy Demotte and others playing table football at Google Community Day
Mondo IMG 2907.JPGAlexia de Visscher
Michael Murtaugh
Femke Snelting
Sînziana Păltineanu
Nicolas Malevé
Mons Where Belgium meets Finland.ogvBill Echikson
Delphine Jenart
Mundaneum - Portrait d'Henri La Fontaine.jpgHenri La Fontaine
Mundaneumteam.pngUnidentified Woman
Paul Otlet
Georges Lorphèvre
Mur.jpgUnidentified WomanExpo Renaissance 2.0 au Mundaneum
Nng images.jpegPaul Otlet
Georges Lorphèvre
Paul Otlet à son bureau, avec Georges Lorphèvre et théière
Obama-google3.jpgBarack Obama
Otlet Bernard.jpgBernard OtletScreenshot of Bernard Otlet, from the documentary "Paul Otlet: le rêve et la norme" by Christine Masuy (6 Feb. 2007)."
PHOTO-HLF-070.jpgHenri La FontaineHenri La Fontaine at his desk
PHOTO-HLF.jpgHenri La Fontaine
Palais Mondial. Paul Otlet dans la salle de la Direction. 1927.jpgPaul Otlet
Palaismondial.pngPaul Otlet
Unidentified Woman
Quinzaine internationale (durant laquelle est organisée l’Université internationale)
Pan African Congress 1921.jpgUnidentified Woman
W.E.B. Du Bois
Paul Otlet
Henri La Fontaine
Jean Delville
Pan African Congress, Brussels (1921). In the background, "Prométhée," a painting by Jean Delville
Paul Otlet et des amis a Honfleur.jpgUnidentified Woman
Paul Otlet
Paul Otlet et son équipe en excursion à Anvers.jpgUnidentified Woman
Paul Otlet
Georges Lorphèvre
Paul Otlet Е son bureau, 1934, ╕ Mundaneum.jpgPaul OtletPaul Otlet à son bureau, 1934
Paul Otlet, bébé, dans les bras de sa mère Marie Van Mons.jpgMarie Van Mons
Paul Otlet
Paul-otlet-mlle-poels-fichiers.jpgUnidentified Woman
Mademoiselle Poels
Paul-otlet-secretaires.jpgUnidentified Woman
Louis Masure
Photograph of the staff of the International Institute of Bibliography, writing and classifying records
Po01 shape-20150412-h01m47s11 stamped 0001 1.jpgPaul OtletCampaign image for the exhibition 'Mons 2015 : Mapping Knowledge - Comprendre le monde par les données' at Mundaneum, Mons
R2 002.jpgBill Echikson
Jean-Paul Deplus
Rayward2.jpgErnest de PotterInternational Institute of Photography, a collaboration between Ernest de Potter, Paul Otlet, and Henri Lafontaine (?)
Repas de la famille otlet.jpgUnidentified Woman
Paul Otlet
Ruefetis.pngPaul Otlet
Schmidt.pngEric E. Schmidt
Schuiten-mundaneum.ogvFrançois SchuitenFrançois Schuiten explains the reasoning behind his scenography for the resurrected Mundaneum, just before it's re-opening in 1998
Screenshot - 02.07.15.pngBernard Otlet
Patrick Lafontaine
The two men with glasses on the left row are, first, Bernard Otlet, and then, Patrick Lafontaine
Screenshot - 02.07.2015.pngBernard Otlet
Patrick Lafontaine
Patrick Lafontaine (facing) and Bernard Otlet at the 30th anniversary of the internet with Vint Cerf
Screenshot - 12.08.2015E.pngBill EchiksonBill Echikson: "Google has partnered with Mundaneum because we realized together that this was Google on paper a hundred years ago."
Screenshot - 12.08.2015G.pngUnidentified Woman"The Mundaneum, where history meets technology."
Screenshot - 13.08.2015Dp.pngJean-Paul Deplus"In terms of references, Paul Otlet and La Fontaine, but mostly Otlet invented a classification system for the world information: the Universal Decimal Classification. You can see it as a search engine on paper. Later on, it will become the digital search engine."
Screenshot - 14.08.2015B.pngAnnie Besant
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Annie Besant & Jiddu Krishnamurti
Screenshot - 14.08.2015DBA.pngAnnie Besant
Jean Delville
Annie Besant & Jean Delville
Screenshot - 25.12.2015.pngLouis Masure
Mademoiselle Poels
Mademoiselle de Bauche
From the editor's notes to Paul Otlet's essay on Henri Lafontaine
Screenshot 5c.jpgUnidentified WomanScreenshot from "Google in Mons: European Capital of Culture 2015"
Screenshot from 2014-10-30 12-44-16.pngStéphanie Manfroid
Screenshot from 2015-07-22 17-20-47.pngMarcel FlamionMarcel Flamion, who used to work in the Mundaneum, explains how the archive was under threat before moving to Mons in 1993
Screenshot from 2015-07-22 17-21-54.pngGustave AbeelsGustave Abeels, former president of the now defunct Amis du Palais mondial, explains the advantages to moving the Mundaneum archive to Mons
Screenshot from 2015-07-22 17-25-30.pngJean François FuegDirector of the New Mundaneum, Jean François Fueg, explains the importance of digitisation in 1996
Screenshot from 2015-10-27 00-24-09.pngVint Cerf
Chris Burns
Screenshot photo.jpgUnidentified Woman
SteveCrossan OpenCulture2012.ogvSteve Crossan
Story meet-sebastien-delneste-data-center-technician image 726x726.jpgSebastien DelnesteData center technicien at Google, Saint Ghislain