From Mondothèque

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LE BIOGRAPHE is a term used for persons that are instrumental in constructing the narrative of Paul Otlet. It may refer to:

  • André Canonne, librarian and director of the Centre de Lecture publique de la Communauté française (CLPCF). Discovers the Mundaneum in the 1960s. Publishes a second edition of the Traité de documentation (1989) and prepares the opening of the Mundaneum Centre in Brussels, Place Rogier
  • Warden Boyd Rayward, librarian scientist, discovers the Mundaneum in the 1970s. Writes the first biography of Paul Otlet in English: The Universe of Information: the Work of Paul Otlet for Documentation and international Organization (1975)
  • Benoît Peeters and François Schuiten, comics writers and scenographers, discover the Mundaneum in the 1980s. The archivist in the graphic novel Les Cités Obscures (1983) is modelled on Paul Otlet
  • Françoise Levie, filmmaker, discovers the Mundaneum in the 1990s. Author of the fictionalised biography The man who wanted to classify the world (2002)
  • Alex Wright, writer and journalist, discovers the Mundaneum in 2003. Author of Cataloging the World: Paul Otlet and the Birth of the Information Age (2014)