The radiated book

From Mondothèque

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Mondothèque: a radiated book

Property:Person (agents + actors)


Femke Snelting

Embedded hierarchies

An experimental transcript q, n, t, j, e, u, p, b, n

Sînziana Păltineanu

Une lecture-écriture du livre sur le livre.

Alexia de Visscher

A curriculum in amateur librarianship

Tomislav Medak & Marcell Mars

a bag but is language nothing of words

Michael Murtaugh

A Book of the Web

Dušan Barok

The Indexalist

Matthew Fuller

The radiated interview (part 1)


An experimental transcript w, o, i, z, k, l, x, m

Sînziana Păltineanu

The radiated interview (part 2)

LES UTOPISTES and the common logos

Dennis Pohl

X = Y

Dick Reckard

Madame C

Femke Snelting

A Pre-emptive History of the Google Cultural Institute

Geraldine Juárez


Location, location, location

An experimental transcript y, v, d, r, g, c, ...

Sînziana Păltineanu

Data center infrastructure

ShinJoung Yeo

House, City, World, Nation, Globe

Natacha Roussel

The itinerant archive

The Smart City - City of Knowledge

Dennis Pohl


Les Pyramides

