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13:44, 30 January 2015 640px-ArtemisiaVulgaris.jpg (file) 199 KB   1
16:57, 30 January 2015 61.2.van-acker01 fig01f.jpg (file) 67 KB creator::Le Corbusier subject::La Pyramide [[is part of: Le Corbusier, Perspective of the Mundaneum (1928.08) (Fondation Le Corbusier, Paris [FLC], fonds Mundaneum FLC - SABAM Belgium 2012).]] [[source/quoted in: Wouter Van Acker. "Architect... 1
17:35, 30 January 2015 61.2.van-acker01 fig06f.jpg (file) 120 KB creator::M.C. Heymans subject::La Pyramide M. C. Heymans, Perspective of the Mundaneum (1935). (MDN, AFF.) Mundaneum, Mons. Personal papers of Paul Otlet (MDN). Fonds Affiches (AFF), Fonds Encyclopaedia Universalis Mundaneum (EUM), Fonds No... 1
17:43, 30 January 2015 61.2.van-acker01 fig05f.jpg (file) 88 KB creator::M.C. Heymans subject::La Pyramide M. C. Heymans, Plan of the Mundaneum (1935.10.15) Mundaneum, Mons. Personal papers of Paul Otlet (MDN). Fonds Affiches (AFF), document No. 00 011139. Wouter Van Acker. "Architectural Metaphors of... 1
17:58, 30 January 2015 61.2.van-acker01 fig07f.jpg (file) 195 KB creator::Paul Otlet subject::La Pyramide Paul Otlet, Cellula Mundaneum (1936). Mundaneum, Mons. Personal papers of Paul Otlet (MDN). Fonds Affiches (AFF). Wouter Van Acker. "Architectural Metaphors of Knowledge: The Mundaneum Designs of Mau... 1
16:44, 5 February 2015 PIgor.jpg (file) 311 KB   1
22:39, 18 February 2015 Otlet Monde 1936.jpg (file) 147 KB   1
10:53, 19 February 2015 Otlet Atlas Monde 1936.jpg (file) 279 KB   1
11:19, 19 February 2015 Otlet Mundaneum.jpg (file) 254 KB   1
11:44, 2 April 2015 Unidentified 1.jpg (file) 60 KB   1
11:51, 2 April 2015 Coops Willemien.jpg (file) 24 KB   1
11:53, 2 April 2015 Cloppenburg Coops.jpg (file) 30 KB   1
12:09, 2 April 2015 Van Nederhasselt Cato to Corbusier - Copy.jpg (file) 177 KB   1
12:50, 2 April 2015 Jean Otlet Jr (2).jpg (file) 35 KB   1
13:16, 2 April 2015 OIB.jpg (file) 281 KB   1
13:22, 2 April 2015 UBR.jpg (file) 326 KB   1
13:46, 2 April 2015 Celebration 1000.jpg (file) 221 KB   1
12:17, 3 April 2015 Carte postale 148x148-6.jpg (file) 201 KB   1
14:17, 4 April 2015 Unid.jpg (file) 37 KB   1
14:33, 4 April 2015 Mur.jpg (file) 2.09 MB   1
16:57, 4 April 2015 Repas de la famille otlet.jpg (file) 181 KB   1
19:06, 4 April 2015 Paul Otlet et son équipe en excursion à Anvers.jpg (file) 39 KB   1
09:39, 5 April 2015 Deuxième Congrès Panafricain, au Palais Mondial, à Bruxelles en septembre 1921 01.jpg (file) 61 KB Reverted to version as of 09:20, 5 April 2015 3
10:15, 5 April 2015 Cato.jpg (file) 151 KB Reverted to version as of 16:52, 2 April 2015 4
10:17, 5 April 2015 Manuel du Répertoire Bibliographique Universel.jpg (file) 71 KB   1
10:28, 5 April 2015 12987026569226.jpg (file) 250 KB   1
10:39, 5 April 2015 Palais Mondial. Paul Otlet dans la salle de la Direction. 1927.jpg (file) 85 KB   1
10:45, 5 April 2015 Conférence en plein air de Paul Otlet.jpg (file) 61 KB   1
18:57, 6 April 2015 Screenshot RBU.jpg (file) 183 KB   1
19:34, 6 April 2015 Screenshot Femme Cite.jpg (file) 279 KB   1
14:59, 7 April 2015 Le Répertoire Bibliographique Universel vers 1900.jpg (file) 831 KB   1
20:22, 7 April 2015 468324-original1-kpnbx.jpg (file) 246 KB   1
08:30, 8 April 2015 57244878.jpg (file) 81 KB   1
09:56, 8 April 2015 Screenshot 1906.jpg (file) 248 KB   1
19:24, 8 April 2015 Marie Louise Philips.jpg (file) 33 KB   1
18:11, 10 April 2015 4757696786 10263d69f1 o.jpg (file) 193 KB   1
18:35, 10 April 2015 Pan African Congress 1921.jpg (file) 27 KB   1
20:06, 10 April 2015 Office 1909c.jpg (file) 150 KB   1
15:54, 16 April 2015 Screenshot 5c.jpg (file) 317 KB   1
21:33, 17 April 2015 C + P - Copy.jpg (file) 88 KB   1
10:41, 19 April 2015 W coops.jpg (file) 197 KB   1
10:42, 19 April 2015 W coops 2.jpg (file) 205 KB   1
10:43, 19 April 2015 W coops 3.jpg (file) 166 KB   1
10:43, 19 April 2015 W coops 4.jpg (file) 200 KB   1
10:43, 19 April 2015 W coops 5.jpg (file) 191 KB   1
12:44, 19 April 2015 Igor Platounoff.jpg (file) 200 KB   1
12:50, 19 April 2015 Table2.jpg (file) 195 KB   1
16:53, 20 April 2015 Screenshot photo.jpg (file) 311 KB   1
10:48, 22 April 2015 Absence 1.jpg (file) 213 KB   1
10:54, 22 April 2015 Absence2.jpg (file) 235 KB   1
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