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22:15, 4 January 2016 From industrial heartland to Internet age round 2.ogv (file) 31.35 MB source::https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgbF3_SBT_M [[type::video]] date::2014 [[category::not dissimilar]] 1
07:32, 23 January 2016 Screenshot from 2016-01-22 10-23-55.png (file) 359 KB caption::Slide from TedX presentation by Sylvia van Peteghem, head of the University Library Ghent: "To Google or not to Google, that is the question". date::2014 [[category::Not dissimilar]] 1
14:21, 2 February 2016 To Google or not to Google, that's the question Sylvia Van P.ogv (file) 68.36 MB [[type::video]] category:not dissimilar date::2014 1
16:36, 24 February 2016 02.Screenshot from 2015-10-03 07-42-03.png (file) 506 KB caption::Notes by Paul Otlet in the copy of Le Traité that belongs to Melissa Coops. Screenshot from: The man who wanted to classify the world is part of::Le traité de documentation 1
12:04, 25 February 2016 Doodle.png (file) 80 KB category:not dissimilar date:2015 1
12:05, 25 February 2016 Ojhr.png (file) 34 KB   1
12:07, 25 February 2016 Schmidt.png (file) 222 KB Person::Eric Schmidt 1
12:11, 25 February 2016 Lobby.png (file) 196 KB   1
16:03, 25 February 2016 5273e6fa3570f68403113962.jpg (file) 23 KB Person::Vint Cerf 1
16:08, 25 February 2016 Screenshot from 2015-09-30 10-21-25.png (file) 1 MB Caption::Place Roger, Brussels with pyramid and sign date::1990 Category:La Pyramide 1
17:28, 25 February 2016 Screenshot from 2015-09-30 10-21-49.png (file) 989 KB Caption::Archives of the Mundaneum below Place Rogier, 1990's Place::Place Rogier Date::1990 1
17:51, 25 February 2016 Crystalcomputing2.png (file) 2.12 MB Caption::Crystal computing by night Author::Ivar Veermäe Date::2013 1
17:53, 25 February 2016 Crystalcomputing1.png (file) 4.09 MB Caption::Crystal computing aka Google in Saint Ghislain, Belgium Author::Ivar Veermäe Place::Rue_de_Ghlin City::Saint Ghislain Date::2013 1
09:44, 4 March 2016 IMG 3856.JPG (file) 1.87 MB caption::Re-thinking the index, Radiated Booksprint, 23-25 February 2016 Place::Koning_Albert_II-laan_28-30 1
20:34, 19 March 2016 Export.jpg (file) 403 KB Caption::Plan de Bruxelles et ses faubourgs avec liste des rues published by Grand Bazar du Boulevard Anspach (1910) source::http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b84598749/f1.item.zoom date::1910 1
09:45, 20 March 2016 Screenshot from 2016-03-19 18-34-45.png (file) 612 KB Caption::Rue Otlet on Cram's Pentagone Atlas (1894) Place::Rue Otlet 1
09:10, 1 April 2016 Iip-1.jpg (file) 27 KB caption::The International Institute of Photography was (1905) resulted from the collaboration between Paul Otlet and Ernest de Potter, the Brussels-born editor of the Revue Belge de Photographie Source::Mundaneum Archive Center, Mons [[categ... 2
15:42, 4 April 2016 Parc du Cinquantenaire, 1880 National Exhibition.jpg (file) 52 KB Parc Cinquantennaire in 1880 place::Parc du Cinquantenaire 11 Source: Wikipedia 1
03:20, 25 June 2016 Avenuerogier.png (file) 2.18 MB   1
03:20, 25 June 2016 Brussels.jpg (file) 169 KB   1
03:20, 25 June 2016 Cinquantennaire.png (file) 2.18 MB   1
03:20, 25 June 2016 Cimetiereixelles.png (file) 2.18 MB   1
03:20, 25 June 2016 Etterbeeksesteenweg.png (file) 2.18 MB   1
03:20, 25 June 2016 Everywhere.png (file) 2.18 MB   1
03:20, 25 June 2016 Parcleopold.png (file) 2.18 MB   1
03:20, 25 June 2016 Ruedenimy.png (file) 2.18 MB   1
03:20, 25 June 2016 Ruedeghlin.png (file) 2.18 MB   1
03:20, 25 June 2016 Ruefetismap.png (file) 2.18 MB   1
03:21, 25 June 2016 Rueotlet.png (file) 2.18 MB   1
03:21, 25 June 2016 Ruepiers.png (file) 2.18 MB   1
03:36, 25 June 2016 Placerogier.png (file) 2.18 MB   1
21:21, 9 July 2016 Screenshot from 2016-07-09 23-19-36.png (file) 391 KB caption::Preparing Constant_V in Scribus 1
00:54, 19 July 2016 Mask.pdf (file) 94.51 MB   3
11:39, 27 July 2016 Flyer.pdf (file) 82 KB   1
11:41, 27 July 2016 IMG 4631.JPG (file) 4.09 MB place::Parc Leopold - Avenue du Maelbeek 3 1
16:04, 2 August 2016 Equation-A.png (file) 13 KB   1
16:05, 2 August 2016 Equation-B.png (file) 5 KB   1
16:05, 2 August 2016 Equation-C.png (file) 6 KB   1
16:32, 2 August 2016 Liebers P1016859.JPG (file) 2.28 MB   2
16:34, 2 August 2016 Liebers P1016861.JPG (file) 2.45 MB   2
16:36, 2 August 2016 Liebers P1016869.JPG (file) 2.3 MB   2
16:37, 2 August 2016 Liebers P1016851.JPG (file) 2.2 MB   2
16:38, 2 August 2016 Liebers P1016884.JPG (file) 2.35 MB   2
16:39, 2 August 2016 Liebers P1016852.JPG (file) 2.36 MB   2
16:41, 2 August 2016 Liebers P1016880.JPG (file) 2.18 MB   2
19:50, 2 August 2016 DSC04529lowjpg.jpeg (file) 3.47 MB   2
23:08, 2 August 2016 Book.pdf (file) 42.84 MB Final version, ready to print! 17
10:16, 17 September 2016 IMG 8023.JPG (file) 1.73 MB Caption::16 September, arrival of the Radiated book at Constant: 13 boxes, 315 copies. 2
09:28, 23 September 2016 Place rogier.png (file) 208 KB   2
08:43, 4 November 2016 Postcard.JPG (file) 4.72 MB caption::Mondotheque in front of the former entrance of Palais Mondial - Brussels, 24 September 2016 1
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